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Tag: dependency

Check First, Then Use

Software development depends a lot on open source projects. From operating systems to editors, we use open source software everywhere. Nevertheless, we should be careful about what we are using. We should potentially go through a checklist to see if the software meets our expectations. If there doesn’t exist a guideline for the company or the team, we should set up one. So, without further ado, let’s…

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On Writing Wrapper Libraries

A wrapper library is a thin layer of abstraction around an existing library, dependency, or functionality. A wrapper library offers a better and cleaner interface or rather hides the dependency or library. Writing a wrapper library can be a hard decision since it requires more work and expands the project scope. On the other hand, it has long-term benefits like better validation, good default parameters, and the…

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Mock methods that manipulate parameters

Recently, I’ve worked a little bit on redis cache for Imcache. I needed to mock a behavior of a method where the method manipulates given parameters e.g. change state or call another method. After a little bit of research, I’ve found out there’s a nice mockito feature that accomplishes what I want: doAnswer. Basically, doAnswer allows stubbing a void method with a generic answer. While answering the…


Cepheye Yönelik Programlama

Yazılım dünyasında başlıca endişelerinden biri, yazılımdaki parçaların biri birine çok bağlanmasıdır(high coupling, cross-cutting concerns). Bu durum yazılımın belirli bir noktadan sonra anlaşılmaz, ayrıştırılamaz, ilerletilebilemez hale gelmesine yol açar. Çare olarak yazılımcılar, en yaygın yöntem olan yazılım şablonlarını kullanırlar. Fakat, bazen işler o kadar karmaşık bir hal alır ki artık, yazılım şablonları da karmaşayı sonlandıramaz. Bu noktada cepheye yönelik programlama(aspect-oriented programming, AOSD) yazılımcıların imdadına yetişmektedir. Cepheye yönelik programlama,…