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Celebrating Our Book in Iceland

To celebrate the release of our new book, Software Engineering Handbook, Ender and I took a nice trip to Iceland. Here’s a relaxed recap of our five-day journey.

Day 1: The Golden Circle

We kicked off our trip with the iconic Golden Circle.

  • Thingvellir National Park: Walking between tectonic plates was a fascinating experience. And there’s a nice little(for Iceland) waterfall as well. 
  • Geysir: Watching the Strokkur geyser erupt was thrilling. It takes about 10-15 minutes for it to erupt. 
  • Gullfoss Falls: The waterfall was breathtakingly powerful and made everything around wet including visitors. 

Day 2: South Coast and Vik

Our second day was packed with stunning sights along the South Coast.

  • Bobby Fischer’s Grave: We both like chess and hence Bobby Fisher. We made a visit to his grave. It’s in a small church so don’t be surprised. 
  • Seljalandsfoss: Walking behind this waterfall was a unique and refreshing experience. I recommend anyone to have a raincoat. It feels like a strong rain. 
  • Skógafoss: Another majestic waterfall, Skógafoss offered us a perfect photo op with its potential for rainbows. And you really see a few rainbows. 
  • Sólheimajökull Glacier: We didn’t hike to the glacier. We just took a brief look at it from a distance as we planned a glacier walk later on. 
  • Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach:  This was the first time I have seen black sands and basalt columns. They definitely create an ambiance. 
  • Vik: We ended the day in Vik and went to the Lava show where they melt Lava and you see it in action.

Day 3: Jökulsárlón and East Fjords

Day three took us to some of Iceland’s most scenic and serene spots.

  • Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon: The Canyon is very long. It is around 24 kms. We didn’t go that far. One can spend an entire day there. 
  • Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon: We got there by chance. We wanted to explore nearby attractions and we found ourselves in the lagoon. 
  • Diamond Beach: We again experienced some black sand. There’s a chance you can see a seal here. 

Day 4: Glacier Walk

We dedicated the fourth day to more glacier exploration.

  • Glacier Walk: Climbing and exploring deeper into the glacier was both challenging and rewarding. The ice formations and views were interesting to see. We were able to climb down to the ice.

Day 5: Blue Lagoon and Reykjavik

Our final day was a mix of relaxation and city exploration.

  • Blue Lagoon: We started the morning with a relaxing walk in the Blue Lagoon. 
  • Hallgrimskirkja: It’s an iconic church. You can see the view of Reykjavik from the tower. 
  • Harpa Concert Hall: I wasn’t very impressed by it. 
  • Sun Voyager: It wasn’t special for me. I’m not entirely sure why it’s rated highly. 

Iceland was the perfect place to celebrate our book release. The landscapes were breathtaking and the experiences were unforgettable. 

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